Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fall and holiday lists

Hi all,

I've sent a letter out to customers today. Here is the key information from it:

I have been scouring publishers’ catalogs and talking with fellow booksellers as I prepare for both the fall and holiday seasons. The holiday list is shaping up nicely. There are several fine books that I will be able to offer at good prices. You’ll receive a mailing in about a month with the holiday titles, and I will also begin at that time to take those titles to market. I am targeting the middle of October.

I have to say, however, and in spite of a comprehensive search, that I simply have not seen a complete set of three or four September books that would comprise a fall collection with my name on it. This type of shortage occurs from time to time in book publishing. The reason for it, I think, is that good books – books that cut through some of the clutter and noise – take time to produce. The process is wonderfully human, with steps backward as well as forward, and with occasional hitches. As a result, some seasons will see several great books, some just a few, and some one or none. We are currently, in my opinion, experiencing the latter.

Fortunately indeed, there are great alternatives within book culture more broadly. ...

So, I'll write again in a month or so.


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